Saturday, September 6, 2008

Green Roofs (edited)

Rapid urbanization has brought about many environmental problems to the world and “Urban Heat Island effect” is one of them. With the increase in usage of concrete and steel surfaces due to land developments, our environment trapped and released more heat into the atmosphere. This not only raised the temperature of the surroundings, but also increased our energy consumption. One possible solution to this “Urban Heat Island effect” is to increase the amount of greenery in our environment. As we all know, land is scarce in Singapore. Thus, I think it will be a more rational decision to integrate greenery into our building structures rather than planting trees on land. This in turn suggests that green roofs may be the answer to our problem.

The green roof technology is a lightweight garden that emphasizes on creating self-sustaining communities. It does not require intensive maintenance and is relatively low in cost. Moreover, it fits nicely on the roofs in Singapore. In fact, a pilot green roof project was carried out in 2005 (in Punggol) and the study showed that the green roof has helped to lower the temperature, save energy, remove carbon dioxide in the environment and improve air pollution. Since the green roof proved to have many benefits, the chances of it being implemented over every roof in Singapore are rather high. Therefore, it is worth investigating on the possible problems that may occur due to the green roof.

A survey will be necessary to investigate people’s attitude towards the green roof – do they support the idea of creating a green roof over every roof in Singapore or are they against this idea. Furthermore, this survey may aid us in determining whether the possible problems that may arise from the installation of the green roof are the reasons why they oppose the idea.
Research Question:
Are NUS students for or against the idea of having green roofs over every roof in Singapore?

Students in NUS are against the idea of having green roofs over every roof in Singapore because of the possible problems that may occur due to the installation of green roofs.

Problem Statement:
The objective of this research study is to determine NUS students' opinions on the installation of green roofs in Singapore and indirectly find out the possible problems that may occur due to these installations.

Purpose statement:
The objective of this report is to alert the authorities involved in the green roof project about the possible problems that may occur and provide them with some suggestions to enhance the development of the green roof technology.


Brad Blackstone said...

Thanks, Michelle! You provide rich details on the context of your proposed topic. I just wonder though, while considering your hypothesis, whether or not your problem statement is accurate. Won't you be researching NUS student opinions as well?

Carolyn said...

I think this topic is instructive to government currently as this project is just being implemented. It helps government to glean opinions from public and NUS students so as to refine this green roof project. Overall, this is a good research topic. One thing i am not sure is that if the survey shows that majority of NUS student support idea of having green roof, then will the content of the research report still comprises potential problems that may occur?

M. said...

Hi Prof Brad,
I've made some amendments on the problem statement. Hope that this will make everything clearer. (:

Sharon said...

I read on one NUS website that NUS is starting to try out this "green roof" concept too. You may want to try to look it up if your group has decided on this topic for your project. Hope this comment is not too late...

M. said...

Hi sharon,
unfortunately, my group has decided on another topic. But thank you for the information! (: